Sponsor Spotlight: Borden Rifles — US Rifle Team

Sponsor Spotlight: Borden Rifles

The US Rifle Team is very pleased to announce that Borden Rifles has come aboard as a sponsor of the Team. Rifles manufactured by Borden Rifles have won numerous Benchrest events including over 100 World Records and National Championships. In the last few years Borden actions and rifles have found their way into the F-Class game as well. Many of the shooters the US Rifle Team use the Borden Rimrock action, including the members of the current National Championship Team, X-Men*.

US Rifle Team member Tracy Hogg, member of the current national championship team with his Borden Action.

The Borden Rimrock actions are made to very tight specifications. Bolt lockup and smoothness of bolt operation is unsurpassed in the industry. The action bodies and bolts are made to a hardness that results in slick operation and anti-gall characteristics. Each fire control assembly is hand honed and fitted to result in perfect trigger timing as well as smooth, bind free operation of the firing pin and cocking piece.

Rimrock actions feature the "Borden Bumps" These actions are made to specifications and tolerances that are unmatched in any other Remington "clone" action on the market.

Borden Rifles was started in the early 1980’s, by Jim Borden. He began building his own rifles and eventually started building them for others.

Jim Borden working in his shop.

Jim operates Borden Rifles/Borden Accuracy with his wife Joan, sons Jim Junior and John and son-in-law John (Mike) Mecca. Jim Junior is in charge of stock bedding and finishing and is also a cnc machine operator. Jim, John and Mike manufacture the actions and Jim barrels and assembles the rifles.

Jim Jr.

