As we all anxiously await the NRA sending out the International Distinguished Badges, we have fifteen new recipients this year, who have earned their badges at the F-Class world Championships at Connaught Range in Canada. Four of the new recipients are now double International Distinguished, having earned their first badge in Target Rifle.
The new recipients are:
Bryan Litz (Double)
Mitchell Fitzpatrick
Rhys Ireland
Shawn McSparron
Collin McSparron
Madison Bramley
Raymond Gross (Double)
Steve Hardin (Double)
Scott Fulmer
John Droelle
Tracy Hogg
Daniel Pohlabel
Dan Lentz
Doug Boyer
Michelle Gallagher (Double)
Well done and Congratulations All!!! Listings of all the badge recipients and accumulated point totals for those who are working toward a badge, are included below.
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The NRA is in possession of the numbered badges. When we first received the badges from the manufacturer they were supposed to be individually numbered, but they were not. The badges were sent back for numbering and during that time period the manufacturer went bankrupt. Eventually everything was sorted out and the badges were numbered and returned.
When they will be sent out is unknown. NRA Competitions is reorganizing and there are many personnel changes. Hopefully when things settle down, the badges will be sent out so that everyone gets their proper number. Keep your fingers crossed.
The International Distinguished Badge is continuation of a program that fell by the wayside in the late 1960’s. The rules that are used to award points for the new badge are closely based on the original rules. Points are earned by competing in sanctioned international matches. The amount of points earned from each event is based on the event’s prestige or status. More points are earned at a World Championship than at an America Match, for example. The point chart is below.
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The aspect of ‘Sanctioned Matches’ is often misunderstood. Oftentimes teams and/ or individuals from more than one country will compete in an event. That does not make it an international event. The Berger Southwest Nationals draws people from several countries. The event itself is sanctioned by the US NRA. It is a ‘National’ level event, but it is not an ‘International’ event.
International events are sanctioned by the International Council of Fullbore Rifle Associations (ICFRA). In addition to ICFRA sanctioning, for a ‘Team’ World Championship to occur, a minimum of four countries must compete (and each country can only enter a single team).
The America Match is not yet an ICFRA sanctioned match. It is included in the IDB program because it is an event that happens by an agreement between the US NRA and the DCRA. It also often draws teams from several additional countries. In Target Rifle, the America Match is very tightly contested. The US has only won three of the eight America Matches that have been run. The F-Class America Match is beginning to gain the same international draw.
There also seems to be some confusion regarding the status of the Rutland Match. Per ICFRA rules it is not a ‘World Championship’. It is a match conceived to allow those shooters who are not on a national team, a chance to shoot alongside the World Championship Team events at the F-Class World Championships. There is work being done to elevate the Rutland to ‘World Championship’ status, but for now, it is not. If it does attain that status, it will fall under the other requirements to a world championship team event, e.g. at least four countries competing and only one sanctioned team per country.
No ICFRA rules or format have been established for an F-Class U25 Team event at this time. That is also being worked on and sanctioning rules will likely be in place for the next World Championships.