FTR CLASS - 3X World Champions
As we all anxiously await the NRA sending out the International Distinguished Badges, we have fifteen new recipients this year, who have earned their badges at the F-Class world Championships at Connaught Range in Canada. Four of the new recipients are now double International Distinguished, having earned their first badge in Target Rifle.
Thanks to Pam Merillat for all the work she did designing and laying out our team program for the World Championships. She designed several of the ads and sought out and signed up several advertisers for us.
A little story about my Uncle Alton for Memorial Day. He passed a few days ago. I got to hear a lot of his stories, but my memories just scratch the surface.
At SHOT 2017, the US Rifle Team was pleased to present our top 2 sponsors with a special gift that represents their commitment to our Team as well as our appreciation for their continued support.
The US Rifle Team is sponsored by Target Vision. They make a quality product that is easy to set up, durable and has a range of up to 2 miles. We recommend this product for anyone that is looking for a target cam for shooting.
Each of our team members are responsible for their own rifles, ammo and scopes. They may choose to run anything they like*. They make the choices based on what they feel will give them the most success, based on their personal shooting style.
The first badges have been awarded in ceremonies at Camp Perry and at Lodi this year. Everyone who has earned a badge will receive one from the NRA as soon as they are properly numbered.
As a member of the US Rifle Team, I was fortunate to get an early look at Berger’s newest bullet, the 200.20X. The new bullet originated from a conversation between team members John Pierce and Bryan Litz a couple seasons ago.
The team is on the way home from a very challenging week at the Connaught Ranges, near Ottawa, Ontario. The highlight of the week our victory in the America Match on Saturday. The Dominion of Canada Rifle Association matches are some of the best organized in the world.
Our sister team, the United States Palma Team has published the tryout process. Those of you who may be interested in trying out, please download the attached and Good Luck!
At our most recent training session, we cataloged the equipment that our team members are using. One of the most prevalent items was the Phoenix Bipod. It is not the only bipod being used by our team, but when 90%+ of the top FTR shooters in the country are using the same thing; that makes a strong statement.
Listen to our Team Adjutant, Paul Phillips, talk about a recent Extra Long Range shoot using Gemtech Silencers and Applied Ballistics.
Gemtech, a US Rifle Team Gold Medal sponsor, offers the highest quality silencers in the industry.
Dan Lentz has been a top performer since he entered the US program and he recently won the Sinclair East Coast Nationals. We asked Dan if he would share a few tips that have helped him in competition.
Big Congratulations to Derek Rodgers for winning the 2016 SW Nationals sponsored by Berger Bullets. The US Rifle Team would also like to recognize Kelly McMillan and Sean Murphy standing on the left and right of Derek in this photo.
Beginning in the mid to late 1990's, George Farquharson, a Canadian Target Rifle competitor, lobbied the Dominion of Canada Rifle Association to allow competitors to use a bipod and a scope in addition to slings and iron sights to compete. The inclusion of a bipod and scope in competition became the F-Class target rifle category. Within a few years, F-Class was officially adopted in the U.S. and worldwide as an internationally recognized shooting sport.
Farquharson Target Rifle Class (FTR)

With the use of a scope, most of our team events are fired at targets 1000 yards away. The inner most scoring ring (the X ring) on our target is five inches in diameter. The 10 ring is ten inches in diameter and the 9 ring is twenty inches in diameter.

Rifles must be fired from the prone position using either a bipod or a sling. The bipods are designed for competition and offer greater front support stability than a typical tactical type bipod.

All of the rifles used in the Farquharson Target Rifle class are chambered in either the .308 Winchester or .223 Remington calibers.
This year marked the first year that we have been able to award prestigious trophies to the winners of the FTR events at the F-Class National Championships. Every year the subject of trophies would come up and then recede after the award ceremony was complete.